Samaritans work to make sure there is always someone there for anyone in need. Samaritans provide emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Beder is proud to partner with Samaritans because of their established history and unwavering strength to provide support to those in need through an extensive volunteer network that are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in addition to their increasing presence in supporting people through communities and work places.

Every six seconds Samaritans respond to a call for help. Samaritans are there for anyone who is struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen to them confidentially and without judgement. Last year, Samaritans volunteers spent over one million hours answering calls for help by phone, email, SMS, letter, face to face at one of their local branches.
Funding from Beder will help Samaritans to develop its helpline service to reach people through different communication channels, such as Online Chat, helping reach more young people and enabling them to make sure there is always someone there for anyone who needs Samaritans – now and in the future.
If you need to speak with someone about whatever you are going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Call 116123 for free or other ways that you can get in touch can be found here:
Changing the way we think about suicide
Suicide facts and figures
Samaritans is the only organisation collating suicide data for all UK nations and the Republic of Ireland.
Samaritans' Media Guidelines
Samaritans' Media Guidelines help journalists report suicide and self-harm safely and responsibly.